"CAT TORRES DE LA ALAMEDA (2020PF)", "CAT VALE ANA GOMES (2020PF)", _ "BALESI LOCATIONS FIGARI (2020PF)", "CAT AULNAY (2020PF)", _ "ALBIAS STELLANTIS VO (PFV)", "ATESSA ADJACENT STELLANTIS (PFV)", _ "(2020PF OLD) SPEDITION HORST MOSOLF KORNWESTHEIM", _ "(2020PF OLD) WERNER EGERLAND NEUSEDDIN", _ If IsNumeric(Application.Match(Cells(i, "K"), valeurs_a_supprimer, 0)) Thenĭelete Criteria Rows Efficiently Sub DeleteCriteriaRows()ĭim DeleteStrings(): DeleteStrings = Array( _ LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp).Row Valeurs_a_supprimer = Array("(2020PF OLD) WERNER EGERLAND NEUSEDDIN", "(2020PF OLD) SPEDITION HORST MOSOLF KORNWESTHEIM", "ALBIAS STELLANTIS VO (PFV)", "ATESSA ADJACENT STELLANTIS (PFV)", "BALESI LOCATIONS FIGARI (2020PF)", "CAT AULNAY (2020PF)", "CAT AVRIGNY (2020PF)", "CAT BOURGOGNE CHALON (2020PF)", "CAT BOURGOGNE DIJON (2020PF)", "CAT GUASTICCE (2020PF)", "CAT TORRES DE LA ALAMEDA (2020PF)", "CAT VALE ANA GOMES (2020PF)", "SOGRITA BASTIA (2020PF)", "SOGRITA SARROLA AJACCIO (2020PF)", "TRNAVA STELLANTIS (PFV)") 'Ajouter les valeurs que vous voulez supprimer dans le tableau 'Supprime les lignes où les cellules de la colonne K sont égales à certaines valeurs LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row 'Supprime les lignes où les cellules de la colonne F sont vides 'Tri la colonne FĬolumns("F:F").Sort key1:=Range("F1"), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes When I halt the code, they notify me of the error. The sorting is effective, but the processing is really slow. The following animation demonstrates the above steps for creating a list of tables and figures.I want to delete all of the rows in a sheet with 330000+ rows if a specified value is present in the k column fields. Do the necessary formatting using the available options in the Table of Figures dialog box,.In the Table of the Figures dialog box select the relevant Caption Label (Table, Figure, & Equation, etc…).

Click Insert Table of Figures in the Caption group.Place the cursor where you want to add the list.To generate a list of tables and figures or any other objects How to add Captions in Microsoft Word Step 02: Insert list of tables and figuresĪfter you add a few captions to tables or figures in your document, you generate a list of those objects. If you haven’t added captions yet, you can learn how to add captions in Microsoft Word fro the following post. The lists of tables and figures or lists of any other objects are generated from the captions you added for those objects in your report. Updating the lists Steps to insert list of tables and figures in Word Step 01: Add captions to tables and figures.Step 02: Insert list of tables and figures.Step 01: Add captions to tables and figures.Steps to insert list of tables and figures in Word.